Ok, I just spent the better part of ALL DAY trying to figure this out. I want my wordpress category.php template to be able to detect whether the category it is serving is a parent category or subcategory. THATS IT. And without having to hard code any category ID’s. After perusing the forums and codex …
Author Archives: Anthony
BURNT BY THE SUN: Exclusive Live Footage Posted From Their Last U.S. Show Evaaar
BURNT BY THE SUN: Exclusive Live Footage Posted From Their Last U.S. Show Evaaar Posted using ShareThis
WordCamp NYC 2009. Be there, or be square.
I’m very excited to say that I will be attending WordCamp NYC 2009. I have been working with WordPress for the past two years and it has completely revoltuionized the way I design web sites. If it weren’t for WordPress, I wouldn’t lead the life I live today. But that aside, its exciting to participate …
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My beef with the CMJ festival
Ok so ever since I can remember the CMJ Festival, I would peruse the listing of bands playing and for one reason or another would never recognize any of them. Now I do understand its a showcase of emerging artists, so chances of my having heard them before is slim. HOWEVER, after the fact I …
Deflorate DVD Bonus
So my friend Stan sent me this video for all you metal drum nerds to enjoy. Current drummer from the Black Dahlia Murder Shannon Lucas doing what he does best, bangin’ those skins…
Ode to working from home
We live in an age where I can perform my job from remote locations. Here, there, anywhere there is an internet connection. But alas, I still need my “files”… That collection of 0’s and 1’s that amount to text documents with the “instructions” I lay inside. Arrange, Organize, Repeat.
Burnt By The Sun @ The Cake Shop
Was soooo brutal. And just awesome. It reminded me why I love going to shows. Which is a good thing. Cause I always start to forget. Hopefully the footage of this amazing show surfaces quickly. *Ahem* *Cough*. Pardon, me.
“Community – Spanish Rap”
Go back to Google’s original size search bar
So as some of you may have noticed, Google made their search bar more accessible to the geriatric community by enlarging the search bar and font size. Now as a human being (aka ‘creature of habit’), this bothers the hell out of me. I’m totally not used to it, I don’t want to get used …
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Moving Out (Anthonys Song)
Hanging with Gillian watching some “Mystery Science Theater” Zombie Nightmare edition. Cleaned, did laundry, did mockups for a friends site, updated another. Busy. Learning about tracking pixels for a custom home takeover. Need to learn new things, or extend my knowledge of current topics further. I’m attending WordCampNYC next month and looking very forward to …