Woooo! Vacation! Europe!

First day of vacation: Went to Mayhem fest with my friends Rob, Frank, and Marty, and helped them film some interviews. And then we got to see… SLAYER!!!!!! Was Awesome. Then chilled at the after party which God Forbid hosted which was also Awesome! Followed by sleeping in Newark Airport for a couple of hours before our flight. Day 1 success.

Mobile Friendly Stylesheets

So I was assigned the task of creating a mobile version of the website I work for.

Luckily I came across this great starting point provided by the guys from nettuts.com

Check out the tutorial which includes javascript to detect the users browsers and the orientation of the iPhone to serve up the correct stylesheet for either portrait or landscape view.


Testing Blackberry WordPress App

Hey guys !
So today I’m writing to you from my Blackberry!

I’m just testing out the new WordPress Blackberry Application.  I must say so far so good, and just in time for my summer vacation to Europe…

So for all you Bloggers with Blackberries, check out the new WordPress App @